Every person goes through the experience of having their teeth lose their brilliance. There are certain factors that a person can control, such as the types of food they eat and the smoking of tobacco, which can lead to this loss of brilliance. However, this effect on teeth is also partially inevitable. For example, after the loss of childhood deciduous teeth, the adult teeth that replace them are naturally a slightly darker shade. Fortunately, there are several options for teeth whitening that can help to stop, and in some cases reverse, this effect.

Teeth whitening have become increasingly popular because it is very easy to do at home. There are several at-home products available, such as chewing gum, strips that are worn over the teeth for a period of time every day, toothpaste, and gels that are applied via mouth guards that are left in for a few hours or while sleeping. In general, these products contain the active ingredient hydrogen peroxide.

It has also become popular to have the teeth whitening procedure professionally done. When the procedure is done by one of our professional cosmetic dentists, it is very similar to the at-home procedures, but with the added benefit of having a professional examine the teeth. This is important because there are several factors that should be considered before any teeth whitening procedure is begun, such as allergies, teeth or gum sensitivity or any other irregularities that could lead to pain or insufficient results.

Anyone considering a teeth whitening procedure should make sure that they understand the possible side effects associated with the different methods. For example, those using the gel bleaching process need to make sure that it is expertly done as the gel can cause chemical burns if misused. Many teeth whitening procedures have also been known to cause heightened sensitivity. Anyone having their teeth whitened should also be cautious if they already have sensitive teeth. People who already have sensitive teeth and have their teeth whitened generally experience at least some discomfort, and in many cases they experience pain that is severe enough to disallow the continuation of the procedure.

Those looking to have their teeth whitened either professionally or at home should consider having their teeth professionally examined to make sure it is okay to proceed. After this, they can decide which procedure is best for them, based on the details of each process, such as how long the application process will take for each one. Whether the teeth whitening procedure is administered professional by a cosmetic dentist or alone at home, it is usually a fairly simple procedure. More importantly, these procedures are generally known to be effective, so anyone looking to whiten their teeth can look forward to achieving the results that they desire.