Gum Lift Surgery will affect your whole face: Eyes, Nose, Cheeks, Lips, Skin and Jaw line. A Gum Lift or otherwise referred to as Gummy Smile is a cosmetic dental procedure that raises and sculpts the gum line by lifting the gums. This dental procedure involves reshaping the tissue and underlying bones to create the appearance of longer or symmetrical teeth (gum lift), creating a beautiful smile. This dental procedure (gum lift) is typically done to reduce an excessive gummy smile or to balance out an asymmetrical gum line. The gum lift, also known as crown-lengthening, has repeatedly been used to treat gum disease. Gum Lifts have only recently been perfeceted and improved for aesthetic purposes. In addition to conventional cosmetic dentistry, we offer many alternatives to extensive gum lift surgery: Dental Anti Aging or Dental Facelift, which is a real alternative to cosmetic surgery.

Our other dental surgeries include the following: Veneers, crowns and tooth whitening will certainly improve your smile