
March 2020

Health Notice (COVID-19)

Dear Patients: As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, we want to assure you we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety. As it has always been, the safety and security of our patients and employees remains our highest priority. We take great pride in maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. In response to [...]

August 2019

Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’ve ever spoken with someone about correcting an underbite, your conversation no doubt centered on the painful idea of having to break the jawbone. Maybe you discussed the weeks on a liquid diet because of a jaw that was then wired shut, and the application of braces both before and after surgery. Luckily, not all bite corrections warrant [...]

November 2018

4 Methods for Non-Surgical Bite Correction

If you’ve ever spoken with someone about correcting an underbite, your conversation no doubt centered on the painful idea of having to break the jawbone. Maybe you discussed the weeks on a liquid diet because of a jaw that was then wired shut, and the application of braces both before and after surgery. Luckily, not all bite corrections warrant [...]

August 2018

Dental Veneers Help to Perfect Smiles

Everyone wants that Hollywood smile, but not everyone is lucky enough to be born with perfect teeth. Chips, irregular shapes, and discoloration of teeth are not uncommon and can make people hide their smiles or feel uncomfortable. If your teeth make you self-conscious for any reason, dental veneers may be a solution to consider. Sometimes called porcelain veneers, or [...]

June 2017

Dr. Claudia Izquierdo, DDS

When it comes to family dental care, comfort and confidence are of the utmost importance. Professionalism and skill, coupled with compassion and patience are critical to maintaining a successful and thriving practice. Dr. Claudia Izquierdo offers all of these qualities in abundance. Her considerable expertise and love of children dentistry are readily apparent and she is beloved by all of [...]

A Beautiful Smile For Symmetry and Attractiveness

We have often heard that a symmetrical face is considered more attractive than an asymmetrical face, and facial attractiveness for many people is a   primary goal.  According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, even babies will stare at an attractive face longer than an unattractive face. Whatever the evolutionary reasons for symmetry equaling attractiveness and regardless of how [...]

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